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Two to Four Players

Requires Standard deck of SIXCHEX™ Six-way rainbow playing cards, two dice and a set of 8 coins or poker chips for each player. Use a different denomination of coin or chip color for each player.

  • OBJECT: To capture the opponent's coins or chips on your rainbow spectrum.
  • PREPARATION: Divide the deck into 2 piles of cards; one with the dark rainbow colors, black and tan; the other with the light rainbow colors, gray and pink. Shuffle each pile separately. Arrange the 72 cards in 9 rows of 8 cards each, face up, alternating with cards from each pile, so that the arrangement resembles a "checkerboard". Each player starts from one of the four sides of the "checkerboard". Each player places six coins or chips on the first six cards on the horizontal row nearest him, beginning on his left. In the next horizontal row he places one coin or chip each, on the third and fourth cards from his left. Assign a different 'home color' to each player; black, gray, tan, or pink. Select a player to start by rolling dice for the highest number.
  • THE PLAY: All coins or chips move diagonally. Each player in his turn rolls one die and moves one coin diagonally across the number of cards indicated on the die. He may change direction any number of times except he may not reverse along the same diagonal in the same move. He may land on any occupied or unoccupied card except the opponent's home color. A player may start the game on his opponent's home color.If a player's coin lands on a card whose color is in numerical order of the rainbow spectrum from the color on which it started, he captures his opponents' coins which might be on that card and removes them from the "board", e.g., a player has a coin on a "green" card and rolls a "3" on the die. If he lands on light or dark violet, he captures any coins on that card because "violet" is the third color after "green" in the rainbow. He leaves his coin on that card, until his next move. If a capture is not made, several coins may remain on the same card.
    The spectral order of the colors are: R:O:Y:G:B:I:V:R:O:Y, etc.
  • OUTCOME: The player with the last coin(s) or chip(s) remaining on the "checkerboard" is the winner. If the last two players have coins remaining on opposite diagonals, the player with the most coins is the winner. The game is drawn if those last two players have an equal number of coins remaining.


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