Two Players
Requires Standard deck of SIXCHEX™ Six-way rainbow playing cards.
- OBJECT: To test the compatibility between two players.
- PREPARATION: Play the Game COMPETER™, then assign color points to each player's cards as follows:
Tan = 10, Gray = 9, Black = 8, Red = 7, Orange = 6, Yellow = 5, Green = 4, Blue = 3, Indigo = 2, Violet = 1, Pink = O.
Divide each player's total color points by the total number of cards to find the compatibility index to 2 decimals, e.g., the index for 2 yellow cards and 2 green cards is 18 + 4 = 4.50.
- INTERPRETATION: The difference of the indices between 2 players determines their compatibility. A difference of
.25 or less | too close. |
.26 to .75 | compatible. |
.76 or more | incompatible |